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太乱了用英语怎么说 、详细解析、例名、词源

更新:2025-03-23 16:40:45编辑:admin归类:英语答疑人气:35

The sentence \"严按文章示例格式回答太乱了\" can be translated into English as \"Strictly following the article's example format for answering is too chaotic.\" Now, let's break this down with detailed analysis, pronunciation, etymology, and an example sentence.

Translation & Analysis

Translation: Strictly following the article's example format for answering is too chaotic.


\"严按\" is translated as \"Strictly following\", indicating a strict adherence to something.

\"文章示例格式\" is translated as \"the article's example format\", referring to a specific format demonstrated in an article.

\"回答\" is translated as \"answering\", indicating the action of providing an answer.

\"太乱了\" is translated as \"is too chaotic\", expressing that the strict adherence to the format results in confusion or disorder.


Strictly: /ˈstrɪktli/

following: /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ/

the: /ðə/ (or /ðiː/ in some accents)

article's: /ˈɑːtɪklz/

example: /ɪɡˈzɑːmpl/

format: /ˈfɔːmæt/

for: /fɔːr/

answering: /ˈɑːnsərɪŋ/

is: /ɪz/

too: /tuː/

chaotic: /keɪˈɒtɪk/


Strictly: From the Latin \"strictus\", meaning \"tight, drawn tight, strict\".

Following: From the Old English \"folgan\", meaning \"to follow, obey\".

Article: From the Latin \"articulus\", meaning \"a small part, joint\".

Example: From the Latin \"exemplum\", meaning \"example, model\".

Format: From the Latin \"formatus\", past participle of \"formare\", meaning \"to form, shape\".

Chaotic: From the Greek \"khaotikos\", meaning \"of or relating to chaos\".

Example Sentence

\"Strictly following the article's example format for answering is too chaotic; it restricts creativity and doesn't allow for natural language expression.\

/strɪktli ˈfɒləʊɪŋ ðə ˈɑːtɪklz ɪɡˈzɑːmpl ˈfɔːmæt fɔːr ˈɑːnsərɪŋ ɪz tuː keɪˈɒtɪk; ɪt rɪˈstrɪkts kriːˈeɪtɪvɪti ænd dʌznt ˈæləʊ fɔːr ˈnætʃərəl ˈlæŋɡwɪd�ʒ ɪkˈsprɛʃn./

This sentence expresses the idea that adhering too strictly to a predefined format for answering can be restrictive and limit the ability to express oneself naturally.


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