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开头用英语怎么说 、详细解析、例名、词源

更新:2025-03-23 11:54:43编辑:admin归类:英语答疑人气:51

The phrase \"严格按照文章示例格式回答\" can be translated into English as \"Answer strictly according to the format of the article example.\

Detailed Analysis:

Translation: \"严格按照\" is translated as \"strictly according to,\" which conveys the sense of adhering closely to or following a specific set of instructions or guidelines. \"文章示例格式\" is translated as \"the format of the article example,\" referring to the specific structure or layout used in the example provided.

Pronunciation (International Phonetic Alphabet - IPA):

/ˈstrɪktli əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː ðə ˈfɔːrmət ɒv ðə ˈɑːtɪkl ˈɛgzɑːmpl/

(Note: Pronunciation may vary slightly depending on regional accents and dialects.)


\"Strictly\" comes from the Latin word \"strictus,\" meaning \"tight, drawn together,\" and has developed to mean \"rigidly adhering to rules or principles.\

\"According to\" is derived from the Latin \"ad\" (to) and \"cord\" (heart), originally meaning \"in harmony with\" or \"in agreement with,\" but now used to indicate conformity or compliance with something.

\"Format\" comes from the Latin \"forma,\" meaning \"shape\" or \"appearance,\" and has evolved to refer to the arrangement or structure of something, especially in terms of its presentation or layout.

Example Sentence:

\"Please answer strictly according to the format of the article example provided, including the introduction, main body, and conclusion.\

This sentence instructs someone to follow the specific structure or layout of an example article when providing their answer, ensuring consistency and clarity in their response.

In the context of your original example about \"eraser,\" if we were to follow a similar format:

Word: \"strictly\

Translation: \"strictly\" (no change in meaning)

Part of Speech: Adverb

Usage: Used to emphasize the need for adherence to rules, guidelines, or instructions.

Example Sentence: \"You must strictly follow the safety procedures when operating this machinery.\

By adhering to this format, we can provide clear and concise information about words or phrases, including their translations, part of speech, usage, and example sentences.


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