闹用英语怎么说 帮帮忙,急求答案啊!
1. 作为动词:
翻译:当“闹”表示“吵闹、喧哗”时,可以翻译为“make a noise”或“be noisy”。
例句:The children were making a lot of noise in the classroom.(孩子们在教室里大闹。)
翻译:当“闹”表示“引起麻烦、捣乱”时,可以翻译为“cause trouble”或“stir up trouble”。
例句:He always stirs up trouble wherever he goes.(他走到哪儿都爱闹事。)
翻译:当“闹”表示“发脾气、情绪激动”时,可以翻译为“throw a fit”或“have a tantrum”(多用于描述小孩或情绪不稳定的人)。
例句:The toddler threw a fit when he didn't get the toy he wanted.(那个幼儿没有得到他想要的玩具时大闹了一场。)
2. 作为名词:
例句:The city was filled with the bustle of people celebrating the festival.(城市里充满了人们庆祝节日的热闹气氛。)
“make a noise”:[meɪk ə nɔɪz]
“be noisy”:[biː ˈnɔɪzi]
“cause trouble”:[kɔːz ˈtrʌbl]
“stir up trouble”:[stɜːr ʌp ˈtrʌbl]
“throw a fit”:[θroʊ ə fɪt]
“闹”这个词在中文中源自古汉语,具有悠久的历史。其英文翻译则根据具体的语境和含义而有所不同,每个翻译都有其自己的词源和演变过程。例如,“make a noise”中的“noise”源自拉丁语“noscia”,意为“伤害、干扰”,后来演变为表示声音或噪音的词汇。
动词用法(吵闹):The construction workers were making so much noise that I couldn't concentrate on my work.(建筑工人们吵闹的声音让我无法集中精力工作。)
动词用法(引起麻烦):He's always trying to stir up trouble among his colleagues.(他总是试图在同事之间挑起事端。)
名词用法(热闹):The festival brought a sense of liveliness and excitement to the whole city.(节日给整个城市带来了热闹和兴奋的氛围。)