The question you've asked involves translating a specific Chinese sentence into English, providing detailed analysis, phonetic pronunciation, etymology, an example sentence, and crafting a question with an answer and explanation. Let's go through this step by step for the sentence \"Please answer strictly according to the article format.\
Translation & Pronunciation
Translation: \"Please answer strictly according to the article format.\
English Sentence: \"Please answer strictly in accordance with the article's format.\
\"Please\": /pliːz/
\"answer\": /ˈɑːnsər/
\"strictly\": /ˈstrɪktli/
\"in accordance with\": /ɪn əˈkɔːdns wɪθ/
\"article's\": /ˈɑːrtɪklz/
\"format\": /ˈfɔːrmæt/
Detailed Analysis
\"Please\": A polite request or command used to ask someone to do something.
\"answer\": A verb meaning to respond to a question or request.
\"strictly\": An adverb meaning in a precise, exact, or rigorous manner.
\"in accordance with\": A phrase meaning in agreement or compliance with something.
\"article's\": The possessive form of \"article,\" indicating ownership or association.
\"format\": A noun referring to the way in which something is arranged or organized.
\"Please\": From Middle English \"plese,\" from Old French \"plaisir\" (pleasure), used as a polite imperative.
\"Answer\": From Middle English \"answere,\" from Old French \"respondre,\" from Latin \"respondere\" (to respond).
\"Strictly\": From Middle English \"strictli,\" from Old French \"strict,\" from Latin \"strictus\" (tight, drawn tight).
\"In accordance with\": A phrase derived from the Latin \"accordare\" (to make agree).
\"Article\": From Middle English \"articul,\" from Old French \"article,\" from Latin \"articulus\" (small joint).
\"Format\": From Middle English \"format,\" from Old French \"format,\" from Latin \"formatus\" (shaped).
Example Sentence
\"Please answer strictly in accordance with the instructions provided in the article's format.\
Question with Answer and Explanation
\"Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence: The _____ on the table are very tasty. (apple/apples)\
The sentence requires a plural noun to match the plural verb \"are.\" Therefore, \"apples\" is the correct choice, indicating more than one apple on the table.