It 的指代作用分析It is true that volunteering can help others,and it can also help you.这里的it是指volunteering can help others还是指volunteering can help others,and it can also help you全部呢,为什么呢?
在句子“It is true that volunteering can help others,and it can also help you.”中,it指的是“volunteering can help others,and it can also help you”这个整体表述,即志愿服务既能帮助他人,也能帮助你自己这一整件事。
从句子结构来看,“It is true that…”是一个常见的句型,其中it作为形式主语,真正的主语是that后面的从句。在这个从句中,“volunteering can help others,and it can also help you”是一个并列句,表达了一个完整的思想,即志愿服务的双重益处。这里的it指代的是这个并列句所表达的整体意义。
如果将it解释为仅指代“volunteering can help others”,那么后面的“and it can also help you”就会显得没有明确的指代对象,这在语法和逻辑上都是不合理的。
it在这个句子中是指代整个表述“volunteering can help others,and it can also help you”的。