The question in English is: \"How do you say '严格按照文章示例格式回答' in English, along with a detailed analysis, pronunciation, etymology, example sentence, and a question with an answer and explanation?\
Strictly follow the format of the article example to answer.
Detailed Analysis:
\"Strictly\" means adhering closely or exactly to the rules or instructions.
\"Follow\" indicates obeying or adhering to something.
\"The format of the article example\" refers to a specific structure or pattern used in a previous example.
\"To answer\" means to provide a response or reply.
/ˈstrɪktli ˈfɒloʊ ðə ˈfɔːrmæt ɒv ðə ˈɑːrtɪkl ˈɛgzɑːmpl tuː ˈænsər/
\"Strictly\" comes from the Latin \"strictus,\" meaning tight, drawn tight, or strict.
\"Follow\" originates from the Old English \"follan,\" meaning to pursue or come after.
\"Format\" is derived from the Latin \"forma,\" meaning shape or form.
\"Example\" comes from the Latin \"exemplum,\" meaning a sample or model.
Example Sentence:
Please strictly follow the format of the previous example when submitting your report.
The _____ on the table are for the guests. (apple/apples)
B. apples
The be verb in the sentence is \"are,\" which indicates a plural subject. Therefore, the noun should also be in its plural form, \"apples.\